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“As the world is spinning out of control, Russ and Pat enter into the dizziness and offer a hand.”

“I was amazed at how quickly you responded to my call requesting that you visit my brother-in-law at St. Thomas. At his age and with serious complications, his wife said that she was hoping the chaplain would stop in and pray for him. I immediately thought of you, Russ, and your ministry in these situations. So I called, and the next thing I heard, you had already been to see them and prayed with them and encouraged them. Thank you. I know of no one that responds as fast as you, and I am deeply grateful for your ministry. Encouragement is the right term for your work and is an outreach to those who need a message from God. May He continue to bless your efforts.”


Barbara Hobson


Encouragement Ministries

P.O. Box 2082

Brentwood, TN 37024-2082



Website design by Riley Hogan

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